There is no freedom without education. There is no growth without opportunities.
This is the founding concept of our civilization, our values. Everyone deserves a chance and, above all, an education.
At Axis Holding we decided to put this principle into practice. We choose to guarantee an opportunity to deprived children.
Each business of the Group provides foster care to a young person in the country where it operates and ensures that they have a safe future.
Our society, our economy and our environment also change based on our behavior.
We all have a small or big impact in these development processes. It depends on us.
At Axis Holding we want to take responsibility for what we do. One of our founding values is to always have a high ethical company standard.
We have set ourselves some simple rules and our partners are required to follow them as well.
Those who work with us and for us must be happy with their job and grow from both a professional and personal point of view.
We have always played an active role in minimizing any kind of environmental impact and tried to use our resources carefully.
For instance, we paid special attention to purchasing and using paper, using transport correctly, optimal waste management and careful energy consumption.